Saturday, July 25, 2020

Executive Job Seekers Are you a Dinosaur

Executive Job Seekers â€" Are you a Dinosaur Executives Job Seekers â€" Are you a Dinosaur? You can be spotted a mile away. Job-seeking dinosaurs. And you come in all generations, genders and cultures. Now, I’m sure none of you reading this are dinosaurs but if any of your friends say the following phrases, then break the news to them gently: “If you hear of a job that I’d be a fit for, then call me.” “Let’s do coffee sometime. I’m looking for a new gig.” “What do you think I should do next?” “I’m looking for a challenging position that leverages my skills in…” “I don’t know anybody, so can you introduce me to your network?” “I’ll send you my résumé. Will you look at it and recommend jobs you might know of?” “After I get my MBA, I’m going to go get a bigger job.” “There aren’t any good jobs posted. I’ll know it when I see it.” “I’ve applied three times to company and they never get back to me. How inconsiderate.” “I don’t get that social media stuff for job searching. It’s a waste of time so I’ll just focus on strong face-to-face connecting.” “I’ll reconnect with some headhunters I used to know.” Welcome to the new era of job search. Regardless if you are looking within your current company or in other companies, today’s competitive field for executive positions requires new techniques. The calculators moved to Excel, typewriters to WORD, mailed résumés and cover letters are now submitted through online tools, and the game has changing massively in the past two years! You need to get current and stay current since the hiring practices will change even more rapidly in the next 5 years. Amazingly, there are so many online articles and tools to help you that it may be overwhelming. But how many hours have you invested in yourself by reading some? Basic reading should be the LinkedIn tutorials and multiple résumé websites who can help get your résumé up to date. But go beyond and re-tool yourself now. From your attitude to your preparation and all the way through applying and interviewing. While my upcoming book “Cut the Crap, Get a Job! A New Job Search Process for a New Era” will coach you through every step, here is one immediate action for you: Build a high quality, 100% complete LinkedIn profile. I recently coached Robert, a job seeker, and asked him if his profile was at 100%, which he promptly replied “yes”. And it was by LinkedIn’s measurement but it was terrible! It had a goofy picture, his full résumé was not detailed within each section, no powerful introduction, and only one endorsement. On most LinkedIn profiles, I learn about their prior job description or see industry acronyms, but don’t get an at-a-glance understanding of their skills they can bring to me, a hiring manager! Rule #1: If you’re not on LinkedIn, you don’t exist to recruiters and hiring managers. And when I say “recruiter”, many companies have in-house recruiters who do the primary searches and screens of candidates. They are fluent in LinkedIn. Rule #2: If your LinkedIn profile is poor or inaccurate OR embellishes the truth, you could be knocked out of the running. There is so much more you need to learn as job seekers and it’s all at your fingertips (and quite fun, too!). I have been working for Fortune 500’s for 30+ years and have had to work hard to keep up with the current and important job search approaches. As a result, I have invented some new, proprietary best practices and tools. Invest in yourself! Hire a coach, read, mirror great examples that are free on the web (résumés and cover letters) and much more. Best of luck!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

5 Networking Tips For Shy or Introverted People

5 Networking Tips For Shy or Introverted People 9 Flares 9 Flares Being timid can be a systems administration resource, you simply need to realize how to utilize it. Keep in mind, the world aches for balance. On the off chance that systems administration occasions were comprised of altogether outgoing people, they would make themselves insane. Here are COTJs 5 systems administration tips for modest or thoughtful individuals: 1. Use Social Media Begin organizing first on Linkedin, Facebook, Myspace, or any web 2.0 goal that interfaces you to individuals with comparable interests. Start developing your contacts/companions rundown, and develop your relationship with these individuals. When you feel great, welcome them to join a systems administration occasion with you. This may help the diminish any terrorizing you may feel of going only it. 2 . Use being bashful for your potential benefit People completely love carrying on about themselves, so give an ear to them to let free on, and you'll make a companion all the while. Try not to be scared by stronger, outgoing net workers. They need you, and they know it. Just act naturally, be amiable, tune in, and penance your ears over to the social butterflies. 3 â€" Set systems administration objectives Make it your crucial converse with X measure of individuals and additionally set an objective on what number of occasions you'll go to each month. If nothing else, simply set your brain on having some good times and getting a charge out of each event. A positive attitude is basic. 4 â€" Know when to make some noise Lay low until an inquiry encompassing your subject matter is brought up. Once you feel certain, talk boisterous and clear. Keep it short and forthright, and you will resemble a star. 5â€"Smile Simple right? Not just does the topsy turvy scowl bring a look of certainty, yet you'll in a split second become simpler to approach as well. Heck, grinning may even power/stunt you into making some great memories. Not grinning can leave a negative impression that you're threatened, awkward, uninterested (possibly the most noticeably terrible), tired, or just agreeably clumsy. I realize this is unusual, yet just in the event that you sincerely dont realize how to grin, click HERE TO LEARN.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Electricians Mate - Navy Enlisted Rating Description

Circuit tester's Mate - Navy Enlisted Rating Description Circuit tester's Mate - Navy Enlisted Rating Description In the Navy, Electricians Mates (EMs) are liable for working a boats electrical gear. This includes electrical power age frameworks, lighting frameworks, electrical gear, and electrical apparatuses. These mariners may play out their work on board ships or submarines or on gear coastal establishments. Any place there are electrical parts for ships, these mariners will be required. On the off chance that youre somebody with a partiality for fixing things and have involvement in gadgets, youd be appropriate for this rating (what the Navy calls its occupations). Obligations of Navy Electrician's Mates These mariners are capable for installation, activity, modification, routine support, assessment, test and fix of electrical gear. EMs likewise perform upkeep and fix of related electronic gear. This can incorporate everything from introducing force and lighting circuits and fixing dispersion circuits to running wiring for lights and other hardware. The activity additionally involves keeping up working productivity of circulation boards, switches, switchboards, controllers, voltage controllers, flow transformers and voltage transformers and electric engines. Theres likewise a considerable measure of fix work engaged with this activity; everything from fixing electrical hardware and apparatuses to keeping up and fixing shipboard lift frameworks, drive controls, and helper control frameworks. Youll introduce and keep up capacity batteries, examine and test electric force hardware, and associate electric force apparatus and electric force gear. Youll fix and keep up assistant control comforts, and decipher electrical outlines, charts, and plans. Working Environment of Navy EMs Most work in the EM rating is performed inside, under shifted conditions adrift and shorewards. Work might be done in a shop-like condition. EMs accomplish for the most part physical work of a specialized sort and for the most part work intimately with different appraisals. USN EMs are positioned fundamentally on board USN conveying ships, Full-Time Support (FTS) EMs are positioned on board Naval Reserve Force (NRF) ships that send or lead neighborhood tasks. Theres liable to be noisy commotions and severe climate conditions as a feature of this activity. Preparing as a Navy EM After specialized school - additionally realized a training camp - at Great Lakes in Illinois, youll go through an additional 12 weeks at Great Lakes for specialized school. Before you get the chance to training camp, in any case, you need to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests. To meet all requirements for this activity, you need a consolidated score of 210 on the verbal (VE), number juggling (AR), mechanical information (MK) and arithmetic understanding (MC) segments of the ASVAB. Theres no Department of Defense exceptional status required for this activity, yet you will require ordinary shading discernment. Advancement openings and profession movement in the Navy are straightforwardly connected to an appraisals keeping an eye on level at the time you enroll. Ocean/Shore Rotation for Navy EM First Sea Tour: 60 monthsFirst Shore Tour: 36 monthsSecond Sea Tour: 60 monthsSecond Shore Tour: 36 monthsThird Sea Tour: 48 monthsThird Shore Tour: 36 monthsFourth Sea Tour: 48 monthsForth Shore Tour: three years This is an ocean serious network. Keeping an eye on conditions adrift may require the need to demand ocean visit expansion or shore visit reductions to guarantee all ocean obligation billets are filled.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Personal Branding - Top 5 Tips

Personal Branding - Top 5 Tips Here are my top five personal branding tips: #1 Compile and deliver a compelling, resonating, and memorable message. #2 Use the English language to the maximum your message. Use resonating words words that would seduce the audience and make an impact with them. #3 Weave your personal brand into everything you do. #4 Place your personal brand in all your marketing collateral. Make sure its in your resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letters, bio, and any other collateral you have. Market it all the time. #5 Practice what you preach. Stay away from creating a made-up or fake brand. You must believe in your brand and make others believe in it as well. You have to make an impact and express it in all your meetings with decision-makers. Dont use weak words. Use strong words and maintain a good image. I am very passionate about helping people uncover, script, and deliver their message. If you are interested in learning more about creating a strong personal brand, please give me a call or email me. Im more than happy to share my expertise with you.