Monday, May 25, 2020

Does the Way You Look Affect Your Prospects at Work

Does the Way You Look Affect Your Prospects at Work In an ideal world, your chances of employment would be based purely on your sheer talent, skills and ability to do the job. It’s true that beauty is only skin deep, but does how you look affect your chances of getting a job? Of course, no one likes to admit this taboo subject. To use looks as a basis for employment is illegal, and rightly so. But, let’s face it, one of the first things we do, subconsciously, when we meet someone is judge their appearance. First impressions are crucial, especially in the world of business. Studies have shown that a woman who wears a lot of makeup tends to be thought as more capable than women who wear only a little or no makeup. Talk about judging a book by it’s cover! The assumptions are made by a subliminal part of our brains. So while it’s taboo, it’s entrenched in human nature and our psyches. A womans earning potential is reckoned to reduce the more her waistline increases. Somehow this doesn’t seem to have the same effect for men. Think of all the big bellied bosses around the board table. The double standards of the working world never appear to change that much, even in the 21st century. Of course, if there are any obvious issues with appearance then it’s often easy to get them fixed. Bat ears, crooked teeth or a gappy grin can be a source of embarrassment. It needn’t be so, though. Now we’re all grown up; adults can make their own choices when it comes to their appearances. The amount of adults having cosmetic procedures that would normally be done in childhood is on the rise. Most of us know someone who has had orthodontic braces as an adult. Adult orthodontic treatments are more common than you think. Kid’s who didn’t want unsightly braces can now have their teeth straightened almost unnoticed. Invisalign is a near on invisible brace. If only these had been available when we were younger! The nickname “brace face” might never have happened. It’s telling that men are largely unaffected by this phenomena. As man ages, he’s “distinguished.” As woman ages, she just gets old. A man with grey hair is a silver fox, a woman with silver strands is haggard. It’s a real shame that in this day and age these attitudes are still so prevalent. Sexism is still prevalent. Despite laws being passed to ensure equal opportunities, the glass ceiling seems to be still in place. This has led to rise in women over 30 spending money on all the treatments available to help stop the effects of ageing. Botox, once the reserve of the rich and famous is available on just about every high street. The UK skincare market is worth hundreds of millions and is on the rise every year. Your looks shouldn’t affect your job prospects, but human nature is what it is. If you believe you’re being discriminated against in any way at all at work, then you should seek help straight away. Image Source; Image Source; Image Source

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